Saturday, December 28, 2013

Survive the FINAL EXAM!

Dear students,

Remember to sit for the final exam of this course:
30th DECEMBER 2013 (MONDAY) 
Starts at : 9.00 am ( be at the disignated exam hall EARLIER)

All the best to all of you and GOOD LUCK for the finals!

Best regards;
Misz F.

F.E. Popular Question no. 3

The final report, do you still remember how hard it was to write FINDINGS, DISCUSSIONS, CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS?

Findings = remember to write what you can highlight/the most important data from the tables/figures

Discussions = is derrived from the findings that is most important to the research objectives & problem statements

Conclusion = is a ONE paragraph statement of the most important points that can be concluded based on the DISCUSSIONS

Recommendations = are suggestions based on the CONCLUSION made earlier- you may suggest what certain authority can do/take actions for example: the university should enforced all students presentations be delivered in only English language.

REMINDER: do not confuse yourself between CONCLUSION and RECOMMENDATIONS

Quick Recall 2

How many types of data collection method? What is secondary data? What is primary data?

F.E. Popular Question no. 2

How to collect data? What is the method? One of the method is QUESTIONNAIRE. What type of question can be constructed for questionnaire? 

Close ended = yes/no
Mutiple choice = A, B, C, D,E.... 
Ranking = number 1 is the most important/choice: number 5 is the least important/choice
Checklist = tick the choices that apply - respondent can have more than 1 answer/choice
Scale = 1,2,3,4,5= strongly disagree, disagree, not sure, agree, strongly agree

Open ended = suggestion/opinion questions

Quick Tips 1

Remember to write all your answers in full sentences not in BULLETED OR POINT FORMS. State your point then elaborate or explain it in detail. Give example.

Quick Recall 1

How many reports that you have written throughout the semester? Do you still remember those? The types? The purpose?

F.E. Popular Question no.1

Do you still remember developing a research proposal? The format? The components?
The hardest part would be on the Problem Statement, Objectives and Significance of the study


Problem statement = the issues/problems that are closely related to the main problem; for example the main problem is "university students are shy to speak English" so: university students would not develop their English language, students would have problems in their job interview session, university students would have limited opportunity to develop themselves.

Obejctives = are the aims/purposes that you want to achieve and the reasons you want to do the research

Significance of the study = is the contribution/ importance/ benefit of your research to some people for example the specific group (students, engineering students, disabled person etc) or university community as well as our country.